Lifestyle and Condition Coaching Program

The Aetna® Healthy Lifestyle Coaching (HLC) Program provides you or your covered dependents personalized support that helps you manage existing conditions, learn new habits and stay on your path to better health. Our Health Coach will partner with you to transform your health goals into action. Your Health Coach will provide guidance, support, and resources to help you overcome obstacles that may be keeping you from realizing optimal health. You can talk to a Coach about the following health-related matters:

  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Weight Management
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Stress Management
  • Pain Management

How does health coaching work?

  • You can talk with your Health Coach over the phone through conveniently scheduled appointments and create a plan that is right for you to meet your health goals. Everything in the program is tailored to you.
  • You can explore ways to make changes in your behavior that will last.
  • You’ll receive written materials from your Health Coach that can help you decide where you want to go with your health and how to get there.
  • Appointments can range from 20 minutes to 30 minutes at least twice a month. How long and how often you meet with your Health Coach depends on your individual needs. The Aetna Lifestyle and Condition Coaching Program also provides pain management/opioid support.

The program is designed for members with chronic pain and either taking opioids or trying to avoid them. Members enrolled will receive coaching and support which includes help identifying the availability of other treatment plans. These plans may include nonpharmacologic modalities for the treatment of pain including, but not limited to:

  • Injection therapies
  • Cognitive therapies
  • Psychosocial support
  • Massage therapy visits
  • Physical therapy visits

The program also helps with psychological effects of chronic pain, reduction of opioid use, avoiding opioid use and resources for those who are dependent on opioid medications. To self-refer or enroll in the program, contact HLC at 1-800-650-2747 (TTY:711). Our Health Coaches are available Monday – Friday from 8 AM–9 PM EST.